
Stuck in my Story

Over the last few weeks, I have felt stuck – stuck in an all consuming story, not knowing the answers and not enjoying being in a fearful state.  I was already in the middle of a busy work period, mixed with agitation due to sugar detoxing, when the situation arose… and I admit I’ve struggled

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Single. As I approach 45 and completely single… I will admit, that I really do love my single life. When I am completely single (i.e. not dating, recovering from a relationship or wanting to be in one) my energy is directed and focused. It’s just me, and I like it. Does this mean that I

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Lose your fears and attract what you desire

According to the law of attraction, like attracts like, we are constantly attracting to us whatever we are focusing on. In other words, what we are putting ‘out there’, energetically comes back to us. For this reason it is important to try to keep our mindset positive. When we are in a fear based state,

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15 Steps from There to Here

When I look back at my life over the past four years, I see growth, I see experiences, I see patterns, I see ups and downs, but mostly I see transformation and a woman who grew into herself. From where I was, to where I am. I almost feel, I started living a different life

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Why Awareness?

Why Awareness? What does becoming aware or conscious really mean? Consciousness relates to our level of awareness. Some believe being conscious is the opposite of being asleep (i.e. slumber), and in a way it is. Not only does it refer to being awake, but it can also refer to an awakening. To move out of

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21 Tinder Take-aways

  When writing a post about Tinder dating there are many angles I could take, like the sometimes superficial, disposable nature of online dating, or perhaps my experiences of 12 first dates in 12 months. I could talk about excitement, infatuation, ghosting, unavailability or heartache. Instead I choose to write about the take-aways from dating experiences, the lessons that led

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