8 Ways to Raise your Vibration

We all have those times in life when we feel a little flat, or like we’re stuck in a slump. I don’t know anyone that is immune to this, myself included. I strive to live on the lighter side of life and lean into positivity and happiness, however it is not always possible. Thankfully, I recognise that these states are temporary and I’m fortunate to have tools that I can utilise, to help move into a higher space.

The term ‘Raising your Vibration’ might sound a little ‘out there’, but really it just relates to your overall state of being, the frequency of your energy – as everything in the universe is energy. When we are feeling great we emit a feeling of lightness, we shine bright, we feel happiness and joy, which are regarded as higher frequencies. In this higher state we attract love, abundance and good fortune. When we are in negative spaces like fear, jealousy, judgment or anger for example, our energy may be stagnant and can seem low and sluggish. There are ways however, that we can shift and move into a more positive state and by doing this we then raise our vibration.

We all feel over-commitmented at times, burnt out from work, bruised from relationships or stressed from parenting – Rather than beat myself up about it when I’m in the spaces, I begin implementing small steps to return to my happy place. I do maintain that it is important to feel feelings as they come up, rather than pretending that everything is fine and living in a false positivity bubble. Yet I’m also quite mindful of not staying too long in those low or sad spaces, overthinking, having a pity party or wallowing in the could haves and should haves.

I find the best way to move forward and pick myself up, is to take action and start to intentionally implement change, one small step at a time. My top 8 ways to shift out of flatness and create a higher vibration are as follows:

1. Surround yourself with those that light you up

Spend time with friends and family who feel good to be around, who have high energy, the ones that you can smile and laugh with and do it often. While spending time on our own is imperative for our personal development and growth, spending too much time on our own can sometimes create situations of over-thinking and emphasise loneliness. Set a date with a friend, for a coffee and some laughs, and watch your day improve.

2. Seek inspiration

Follow uplifting pages on social media, flood your newsfeed with positivity, read inspirational quotes, write out some affirmations, listen to inspiring and motivating talks, surround yourself in nature or take time to watch the sun set. Create a vision board to collect images of future goals, travel, holidays, aspirations and things that you love. Place it somewhere visible, seeing it every day will inspire you to follow your dreams and create a lift every time you glance at it.

3. Self care, self care, self care

The easiest way to start to feel good within yourself, is to do the things that you love, repeatedly. This may include buying flowers for your home, going to a yoga class or heading to the gym, having a pedicure or massage, coffee with friends, sleeping in, watching a favourite movie, going for a walk or a run, surfing or lying on the beach… the choices are personal and endless, yet vital to our happiness. Write a list of all your favourite self care activities and book one in!

4. Set an Intention

To be mindful of your thoughts… Our negative thought patterns, whether they be emotions like judgement, anger, comparison or complaining can emit a low level energy frequency which causes our vibration to lower. Set an intention to become aware of what thoughts are on repeat in your head, catch yourself in these thought cycles and choose to reach for higher thoughts. Start by witnessing your thoughts, to see what type of conversations you are having, by becoming aware, change becomes easier. Journalling is an amazing tool to use for witnessing our thought cycles, start free writing and see what comes up for you!

5. Be guided

Meditation is my go-to tool for an instant pick me up. The cycle of conscious breathing can quieten your mind, alleviate anxiety, help you connect with your inner self and raise your vibration. There are many forms of mediation, like visualisation, guided, mantra, transcendental to name a few. While I practice all of the mentioned, I find that a simple 10 minute guided meditation can do wonders for your state of being and produce quick shifts. Have a look on iTunes for one that resonates with you.

6. Become conscious of what you consume

Be mindful to drink lots of water to flush toxins from your system daily. Eating whole foods and reducing processed foods can help us to shift into a more positive state – did you know that even foods have vibrations? Think green!! Cutting back on alcohol can also have an affect in assisting to raise your vibration. Though I must admit to having a slight cake and dessert addiction, I do notice that when I cut back on sugar, I feel better overall.

7. Practice kindness & compassion

To ourselves and others… remembering that we are all one, we all go through the same emotions of hurt, sadness, insecurity, and fear. It’s important to realise that everybody is just doing the best that they can. By being of service to others, by paying attention, listening, offering assistance in a genuine way, helps us focus less on our own problems and in the process causes an uplift in our spirits. Next time you’re feeling low, reach out and help someone else  🙂

8. Gratitude

One of the most important tools for raising our vibration is to cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Being thankful for what we already have, creates a cycle of welcoming even more opportunities, people and abundance into our lives. Gratitude is such a simple tool, and when practiced daily produces great shifts. It is not just the monumental events and people in our life that we can feel grateful for, noticing and appreciating the little things every single day, adds up to a happier wellbeing overall. I like to write down at least three things a day that I am thankful for and sink into those feelings of gratitude.

Sometimes the very things that we know will make us feel better, we feel resistance against implementing. It’s when we take time to do those little things that help us feel uplifted, that our overall happiness starts to improve. We might just start by introducing one a day, within a few days our mood starts to shift and we implement more, within a few weeks we can be feeling on top of the world again. Why not try it today  🙂

Love Rebecca x