Are you existing or are you living?

I think we all go through periods where we just exist, time flies by and we go through the motions of getting through the day, the week, before we know it, a month goes by or a year. Life can become like ground-hog day, we get so caught up in the doing, the day to day motions, just lost in thought, surviving…existing…

We may be depressed, heart broken, or just flat, we may find ourselves drawn into dramas, sometimes our own or invited into others… things just happen ‘to us’ and we accept that it will always be this way – this is my life.

But do you question… do you find yourself asking ‘there has to be something better than this, there has to be another way’…. Are you curious… this curiosity and intrigue is normal, especially around mid life. Some may refer to it as a midlife crisis, but really it may just be a wake up call… am I living my life to my full potential? – am I doing what I really want to do? am I in a relationship that I really want to be in? How can I do more, be more… maybe I want more.

Do you want more? You may have a beautiful family, a lovely home, a great job and feel guilty for wanting more.. and that is ok, it is ok to want more for your life, it is yours… not anyone else’s. Sure you may have responsibilities and commitments that are important, but you also need to take care of you.

How do we move out of the brain fog of existing? We do those little things that make us happy, that light us up, we introduce joy into our lives, we take time to take care of ourselves first – starting with our mindset. Taking action to include positivity into our day, taking note of negative thought patterns, fears spiralling out of control, over thinking… stopping yourself and choosing to change your thoughts to more positive thoughts. We take time to breathe, really intentionally become mindful of our breath in those stressful, anxious moments… we may learn to meditate and introduce this into our daily routine… perhaps we develop a daily routine if we don’t have one. Maybe it is exercise that makes you feel alive, so do that, make time for that, even if it means tuning into a free yoga class online for 30mins while the kids sleep.

Our self care is vital to our happiness… Self care may mean extra sleep, eating whole foods, walking in nature, having coffee with a friend, buying flowers for your home, it can be a multitude of things… It’s just important to implement it, otherwise life can become dull, we just exist and the years float by. Introduce something small today, into your life that can help you shift into a brighter more loving space, choose it daily and watch how your life lights up… Love Rebecca